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Terrascan is a static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code that can detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure. Additionaly Terrascan allows you to:

  • Monitor provisioned cloud infrastructure for configuration changes that introduce posture drift, and enables reverting to a secure posture.
  • Mitigate risks before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
  • Offers flexibility to run locally or integrate with your CI\CD.

To learn more about Terrascan's features and capabilities, see the documentation portal.

By clicking “scan” you acknowledge and agree to our .

Try Terrascan in your browser

Terrascan is a static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code that can detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure. Additionaly Terrascan allows you to:

  • Monitor provisioned cloud infrastructure for configuration changes that introduce posture drift, and enables reverting to a secure posture.
  • Mitigate risks before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
  • Offers flexibility to run locally or integrate with your CI\CD.

To learn more about Terrascan's features and capabilities, see the documentation portal.

By clicking “scan” you acknowledge and agree to our .