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The Four Phases of Cloud Security Maturity. Where are You Today, Where is the Business Heading Tomorrow?


Ready or not, your cloud security journey has started. Let’s make sure you’re prepared for success.

As your business grows its cloud footprint, previously effective security practices must adapt and evolve to remain impactful. While there’s no one-size fits all approach for every team, there are proven, practical steps and strategies for making the transition that will prepare you for success.

To get started, check out this on demand webinar led by Nathan Wenzler, Chief Security Strategist, exploring the following topics:

  • Recognizing where you are on the cloud security journey and the key challenges you must address at each stage of maturity
  • How your security team can more seamlessly integrate security controls into the dev-to-production pipeline
  • How Tenable supports the transition for security, developers and DevOps at each stage of the journey

Wer sollte teilnehmen?
All infosec professionals and leaders responsible for delivering effective security for all elements of their organization’s cloud computing portfolio.

Registrieren Sie sich und sehen Sie sich das On-Demand-Webinar gleich an. (In englischer Sprache)


Photo of Nathan Wenzler, Senior Principal Security Advocate, Tenable

Nathan Wenzler

Chief Security Strategist, Tenable, Tenable

Watch On-Demand Now