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Not a Blackbelt in Attack Path Analysis? Tenable ExposureAI Helps You Achieve Proactive Security

Tenable ExposureAI Helps You Achieve Proactive Security

With attacks becoming more sophisticated, security teams must spend more time analyzing different entry points into the organization, as well as numerous tactics, techniques and procedures. Find out how Tenable ExposureAI helps you overcome these challenges and enhances your efficiency and productivity for stronger proactive security.

In today's ever-evolving threat landscape, organizations must go beyond reactive security measures and proactively fortify their defenses. But even proactive security efforts get bogged down simply because of the caliber and complexities of attacks. We now see exposures represented as cloud vulnerabilities and misconfigurations along with other risks tied to identity access, groups and permissions. 

From the attacker’s perspective, it only takes one entry point to then laterally move to a target using various tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and gain authorized access to a business-critical asset. 

Tenable Attack Path Analysis, part of the Tenable One Exposure Management Platform, puts the attacker's view in the hands of security teams, so they can successfully map out these paths and prioritize mitigations based on the criticality of the attack. Pretty powerful stuff for preventive security, eh?

However, in a busy security world, security teams still need further analysis capabilities to address the most complex attack paths, their assets and relationships, and attackers' abilities to move quickly.

In this blog, we are going to talk about the use of Tenable ExposureAI, and how you can now start utilizing it within Tenable Attack Path analysis for summarizations and mitigation guidance.

The industry is still reacting to active threats, and that’s okay

Security teams are too bogged down and constantly fighting fires. Monday morning for the team starts with looking at exposures to stay ahead of attackers and remediate risk. However, things quickly take a reactive turn and resources shift towards firefighting mode with "all hands on deck." 

Nearly three quarters (74%) of security and IT leaders believe that dedicating more resources to preventive security would make their organizations more successful at defending against cyberattacks. That’s according to the study “Old Habits Die Hard: How People Process and Technology Challenges Are Hurting Cybersecurity Teams,” based on a commissioned survey of 825 cybersecurity and IT leaders conducted in 2023 by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Tenable. 

As attackers speed up and constantly target your organization, resources and time allocated to proactive security become scarcer. This highlights the urgent need for a paradigm shift towards predictive security strategies fueled by more efficiency and productivity capabilities - like AI. 

How Tenable can help with ExposureAI in Attack Path Analysis

Tenable Attack Path Analysis revolutionizes security strategies by unifying your siloed data, providing complete visibility to assess exposures, prioritize actions, and visualize relationships across the entire attack surface. Attack Path Analysis combines insights from vulnerability management, cloud security, web application, and identity exposures so organizations can understand their risk from an attacker's perspective. This enables informed and targeted defense strategies because you’re able to think like an attacker of your own organization.

However, Tenable is now taking this one step further: Available now, Tenable Attack Path Analysis uses ExposureAI generative AI capabilities to help close the efficiency and productivity gap. All of this allows you to do more with limited resources and time commitment. 

Here is what you can use right now:

  • Generate succinct attack path summaries with generative AI

The first key to mastering attack paths with generative AI lies in the ability to generate succinct summaries of complex attack paths. Not everyone in a security team may be an expert in every domain, but with this capability, even those less proficient in certain areas can draw actionable conclusions. Generative AI simplifies intricate attack paths, offering a clear overview of the potential risks and vulnerabilities. This ensures that security professionals, regardless of their background, can comprehend and address threats effectively. Tenable One's Attack Path Analysis uses generative AI to distill complex attack paths into easily digestible summaries, empowering organizations to bolster their defenses without requiring specialized expertise in every security domain.

Generating succinct attack path summaries with generative AI

As a security analyst, you can easily view the attack graph that is supplemented with the AI summarization.

  • Understand specific mitigation guidance for each attack path

After a security team views Tenable’s assigned prioritization of attack paths, they can view specific mitigation guidance. No longer do they need to take hours to look up patching information or different strategies for authentication. This is automatically consolidated for them right within the UI.

Understand specific mitigation guidance for each attack path

Revolutionizing security strategies with AI

In conclusion, mastering attack paths using generative AI within Tenable One's Attack Path Analysis offers a multifaceted approach to proactive security. By generating succinct summaries and mitigation guidelines, security teams can comprehensively understand and address potential threats.

Additionally, Tenable One provides heatmaps, mitigation guidance, mapping against the MITRE ATT&CK framework, and attack path visualizations, offering a holistic toolkit for organizations to fortify their defenses and apply strategic choke points against evolving cyber threats.

With these advanced capabilities, security professionals can break free from the limitations of siloed data and revolutionize their security strategies to predict, prevent, and mitigate exposures effectively.

The path to using ExposureAI is a journey. Stay tuned for more to come in this space.

For more information, view our Tenable Attack Path Analysis page and view the videos below to see the product's summarization and mitigation guidance features in action.

Summarizations with AI in Tenable Attack Path Analysis

 Mitigation guidance with AI in Tenable Attack Path Analysis

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Tenable Vulnerability Management Testversionen, die überall außer in den VAE erstellt werden, beinhalten auch Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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