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Tenable Launches Tenable Enclave Security to Meet Demands of Highly Secure Environments

New solution enables discovery, assessment and analysis of IT assets and containers to prevent breaches

September 18, 2024 · Columbia, MD

Introducing Tenable Enclave Security

Tenable®, the exposure management company, today announced the availability of Tenable Enclave Security, a solution that supports the needs of customers operating in highly secure environments, such as those that are classified or otherwise air-gapped. Backed by Tenable Security Center, Tenable Enclave Security protects IT assets and modern workloads with risk assessment and contextual insight so organizations can identify exposures before they cause damage.

Federal agencies face unique security and compliance regulations when deploying cloud solutions, and Tenable Enclave Security is key to supporting public sector customers, as well as commercial organizations with strict data residency, security or privacy requirements. 

Built to support the strictest security requirements, including FedRAMP High and Impact Level 5, Tenable Enclave Security empowers agencies to know, expose and close IT and container exposures from a single, highly secure platform. This consolidated approach also eliminates tool sprawl, reduces costs and boosts efficiency for public sector organizations.

“As a leader in vulnerability management and cloud security and a longtime partner of governments all around the world, we’re perfectly positioned to tap into our expertise and deliver mission critical capabilities to assist government agencies as they transform their IT strategy and safely embrace modern workloads to speed innovation,” said Robert Huber, chief security officer and president, Tenable Public Sector, Tenable. “With Tenable Enclave Security, agencies are now able to gain a fuller understanding of their exposure and risk with the ability to continuously discover, assess and prioritize vulnerabilities across IT assets and container images, all from a single, highly secure framework.”

Tenable Enclave Security will immediately enable organizations to: 

  • Meet cloud security and data residency restrictions: Tenable Enclave Security enables customers to meet stringent cloud security and data residency requirements, such as FedRAMP High or Impact Level 5. It can meet customers’ needs wherever they reside, with the ability to be deployed on-prem, in a virtual private cloud or commercial cloud.
  • Secure containers before they hit production: As agencies modernize their infrastructure, containers create a more efficient manner to create applications and modernize existing ones. Tenable Enclave Security empowers organizations to quickly assess the risk in their container images, expose their vulnerabilities and understand the breadth of impact.
  • Centralize security tools: Unlike siloed solutions with fragmented visibility, Tenable Enclave Security provides protection for IT assets and modern workloads from a single deployment architecture. 

For more information on Tenable Enclave Security, please visit: https://www.tenable.com/products/enclave-security 

Über Tenable

Tenable®, das Unternehmen für Exposure-Management, identifiziert und schließt Sicherheitslücken, die den Wert, die Reputation und die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Unternehmen gefährden. Die KI-gestützte Exposure-Management-Plattform des Unternehmens sorgt für eine radikale Vereinheitlichung von Sichtbarkeit, Erkenntnissen und Maßnahmen auf der gesamten Angriffsoberfläche. Moderne Unternehmen verfügen damit über das notwendige Rüstzeug, um sich vor Angriffen zu schützen – von der IT-Infrastruktur über Cloud-Umgebungen bis hin zu kritischen Infrastrukturen und allen dazwischenliegenden Bereichen. Mehr als 44.000 Kunden weltweit verlassen sich auf Tenable, wenn es darum geht, Sicherheits- und Geschäftsrisiken zu minimieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf de.tenable.com.




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Tenable Vulnerability Management

Wir bieten Ihnen vollen Zugriff auf eine moderne, cloudbasierte Schwachstellenmanagement-Plattform, mit der Sie alle Ihre Assets mit beispielloser Genauigkeit sehen und nachverfolgen können.

Ihre Testversion von Tenable Vulnerability Management umfasst außerdem Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

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