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Operational Technology in the DoD: Ensuring a Secure and Efficient Power Grid

An industrial facility at twilight

In an evolving threat landscape, the DoD must make sure that its mission-critical operations don’t experience power outages.

From illuminating command centers to fueling advanced weapons systems, uninterrupted power is vital to the Department of Defense’s (DoD) national defense mission. At the core of this critical infrastructure is operational technology (OT), which functions behind the scenes to manage the flow of electricity within the DoD’s intricate power grid.

OT encompasses the array of hardware and software that monitors and controls physical processes and equipment, such as the power grid. In the context of the DoD, OT is responsible for the consistent flow of energy, employing systems like supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management control systems (EMCS). These systems help maintain a continuous power supply; indispensable for the DoD’s operational readiness and overall mission effectiveness.

However, the power grid is increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. This is due in part to the grid’s interconnectedness and the growing reliance on remote access and connections to business networks within distribution systems.These vulnerabilities expose the grid to potential operational disruptions from cyberthreats. 

A looming challenge exposed

Beneath the surface lies an additional hidden vulnerability—a foundation built on legacy systems, that often lack modern cybersecurity features and are a target for cyberattacks.The consequences of an attack could be dire, jeopardizing not just operations but national security itself.

This challenge is compounded by the DoD’s reliance on commercial power grids. The DoD is the largest U.S. government energy consumer and relies on the local power grids that surround military installations. With millions of miles of electrical lines across the U.S. and globally, these interconnected networks mean a single vulnerability can have far-reaching consequences, affecting even the most secure installations. The reality is that there aren’t enough technicians available who can respond immediately to resolve issues quickly. In power outages, whether due to physical damage to bulk electrical system (BES) components or weather-related incidents, OT is critical. 

OT systems can work to redirect and restore power, preventing prolonged periods where power is disrupted. This could mean the difference between an outage of a few hours, or one that lasts days or weeks. The power grid is more than just a network of wires; it’s a strategic asset that demands robust protection against dynamic and evolving threats. 

Balancing security and resilience

In addition to vulnerable legacy systems, the DoD operates within a web of regulations. The DoD’s Energy Policy mandates “energy security and resilience," while the 2023 Operational Energy Strategy highlights critical vulnerabilities and the need for modernization. 

Balancing these directives with real-world missions requires a strategic approach that prioritizes both grid security and operational continuity. This involves not only fortifying grids against potential cyberattacks and physical threats but also enhancing the resilience of energy systems to recover swiftly from disruptions. 

Embracing innovation for secure power control

Recognizing its challenges, the DoD is launching initiatives like the Department of Energy’s OT Defender Fellowship Program to train a new generation of cybersecurity professionals equipped to tackle OT-specific challenges. Advancements like smart grid technologies and internet of things (IoT) devices offer promising solutions. These next-generation systems boast robust encryption and enhanced monitoring capabilities, significantly bolstering the DoD’s grid security posture.

The DoD’s policy also emphasizes the importance of reducing energy consumption, enhancing energy resilience and implementing conservation measures. By diversifying energy sources and incorporating alternative energy initiatives, including the use of alternative fuels and high-performance construction of buildings, the DoD aims to improve energy efficiency and security. But diversification and increased reliance on IoT also signifies a potential increase in vulnerabilities. 

Proactive defense for a secure future

Effective defense demands more than just new technology. Implementing rigorous vulnerability detection and mitigation strategies, strategically upgrading legacy systems without compromising operations and fostering a culture of continuous monitoring are crucial steps. Balancing modernization with operational security requires meticulous planning, collaboration and a commitment to staying ahead of evolving threats.

Securing critical infrastructure like the power grid requires a multi-pronged approach, embracing innovation while addressing the vulnerabilities of legacy systems. This would include elements such as:

  • Discovery and tracking of assets: Automate the identification, monitoring and inventory of cyber-physical assets to know what’s on your network.
  • Comprehensive vulnerability management: Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities within your OT environment, mitigating risks before they can be exploited.
  • Real-time threat detection: Establish continuous visibility into your OT network, detecting and responding to threats in real-time to prevent disruptions and breaches.
  • Proactive incident response: Be able to quickly and effectively contain and remediate security incidents, minimizing damage and ensuring operational continuity.
  • Legacy system integration: Securely integrate your legacy OT systems with modern cybersecurity solutions, leveraging the best of both worlds without compromising functionality.

Take the next step with Tenable

As a long-time partner of the DoD, Tenable provides integrated OT security solutions designed to help bolster cyber defenses. Our expertise in OT environments has been integral in developing solutions that significantly improve operational efficiency and optimize energy consumption. Furthermore, Tenable’s solutions contribute to enhancing the DoD’s mission readiness by helping to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted power supply.

Download our whitepaper on securing critical infrastructure with Tenable OT Security, engage with our sales team to discuss your specific needs, or experience the power of Tenable firsthand with a live demo. 

Together, let’s power the future of OT, securely.

This is the final blog in our six-part blog series on OT in the DoD. See additional blogs in this series below: 

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