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Tenable Blog


Cybersecurity Snapshot: U.K. Cyber Agency Urges Software Vendors To Boost Product Security, While U.S. Gov’t Wants Info on Banks’ AI Use

June 14, 2024
Check out the NCSC’s call for software vendors to make their products more secure. Plus, why the Treasury Department is looking at how financial institutions are using AI. And the latest on the cybersecurity skills gap in the U.S. Und noch viel mehr!

Microsoft’s June 2024 Patch Tuesday Addresses 49 CVEs

June 11, 2024

Microsoft addresses 49 CVEs in its June 2024 Patch Tuesday release with one rated as critical and no zero-day or publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. Our counts omitted two CVEs that were not issued by Microsoft, which include CVE-2023-50868 (issued by MITRE) and CVE-2024-29187 (issued by GitHub).

Cloud Workload Protection: The Key to Decreasing Cloud Security Risks

June 11, 2024

More than 80% of all breaches involve data stored in the cloud, and security teams that don’t use cloud workload protection (CWP) may never get ahead of attackers who want to access as much data as possible with the least effort. A single cloud breach is often the most straightforward way into these sensitive environments. On average, it costs nearly $5 million to respond and recover. So, why are so many organizations still using traditional on-prem security that isn't designed for the dynamic cloud?

CVE-2024-4577: Proof of Concept Available for PHP-CGI Argument Injection Vulnerability

June 7, 2024

Researchers disclose a critical severity vulnerability affecting PHP installations and provide proof-of-concept exploit code, which could lead to remote code execution.

Cybersecurity Snapshot: NIST Program Assesses How AI Systems Will Behave in the Real World, While FBI Has Troves of Decryption Keys for LockBit Victims

June 7, 2024

Check out the new ARIA program from NIST, designed to evaluate if an AI system will be safe and fair once it’s launched. Plus, the FBI offers to help LockBit victims with thousands of decryption keys. In addition, Deloitte finds that boosting cybersecurity is key for generative AI deployment success. And why identity security is getting harder. Und noch viel mehr!

Tenable Partners with CISA to Enhance Secure By Design Practices

June 6, 2024

When CISA called on the world’s leading software manufacturers to sign its Secure by Design Pledge, Tenable answered promptly and enthusiastically, becoming part of the first wave of supporters of this landmark initiative. In this blog post, Tenable CSO, Head of Research and President of Public Sector Robert Huber explains the significance of this pledge for the software industry, as well as for Tenable and for our customers.

Rockwell Automation: Disconnect OT Devices with Public-Facing Internet Access, Patch or Mitigate Logix, FactoryTalk CVEs

June 5, 2024

An advisory from Rockwell Automation reiterates the importance of disconnecting operational technology devices with public-facing internet access and patching and mitigating systems vulnerable to several flaws.

CVE-2024-4358, CVE-2024-1800: Exploit Code Available for Critical Exploit Chain in Progress Telerik Report Server

June 4, 2024

Researchers have released an exploit chain to achieve remote code execution on unpatched instances of Progress Telerik Report Server. Immediate patching is recommended.

These Services Shall Not Pass: Abusing Service Tags to Bypass Azure Firewall Rules (Customer Action Required)

June 3, 2024

Azure customers whose firewall rules rely on Azure Service Tags, pay attention: You could be at risk due to a vulnerability detected by Tenable Research. Here’s what you need to know to determine if you’re affected, and if so, what you should do right away to protect your Azure environment from attackers.

Cybersecurity Snapshot: 6 Best Practices for Implementing AI Securely and Ethically

May 31, 2024

Like many organizations, yours is likely using AI – or at least thinking about deploying it soon. But how can you ensure you use it securely, responsibly, ethically and in compliance with regulations? Check out best practices, guidelines and tips in this special edition of the Tenable Cybersecurity Snapshot!

CVE-2024-24919: Check Point Security Gateway Information Disclosure Zero-Day Exploited in the Wild

May 29, 2024

Amid warnings of threat actors targeting VPN devices, Check Point has identified a zero-day information disclosure vulnerability impacting Check Point Network Security gateways which has been exploited by malicious actors.

Tenable Delivers Innovative Enhancements to the Assure MSSP Program and MSSP Portal, Demonstrating Our Commitment to a Partner-Focused Go-To-Market Strategy

May 28, 2024

The enhancements include a new self-provisioning capability in the MSSP Portal that’ll drastically shorten customer onboarding and a quarterly billing option for MSSP Program partners

Cybersecurity Snapshot: EPA Urges Water Plants To Boost Cybersecurity, as OpenSSF Launches Threat Intel Platform for Open Source Software

May 24, 2024

Check out the EPA’s call for water plants to beef up their cyber defenses. Plus, open source developers have a new platform to share threat intelligence. Moreover, business email compromise attacks prompt alert from U.K.’s cyber agency. And CISA tackles DNS encryption best practices. Und noch viel mehr!

Ein Einblick in das Ransomware-Ökosystem

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Ihre Testversion von Tenable Vulnerability Management umfasst außerdem Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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Ihre Testversion von Tenable Vulnerability Management umfasst außerdem Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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Tenable Web App Scanning testen

Profitieren Sie im Rahmen der Exposure-Management-Plattform Tenable One von unserem neuesten Angebot zum Scannen von Webanwendungen, das speziell für moderne Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Scannen Sie auf sichere Weise Ihr gesamtes Online-Portfolio auf Schwachstellen – mit hoher Genauigkeit und ohne großen manuellen Aufwand oder Unterbrechung kritischer Web-Apps. Melden Sie sich jetzt an.

Ihre Testversion von Tenable Web App Scanning umfasst außerdem Tenable Vulnerability Management und Tenable Lumin.

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Ihre Testversion von Tenable Lumin umfasst außerdem Tenable Vulnerability Management und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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