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Maximizing Your Cyber Resilience: Why Now is the Right Time to Transition from Vulnerability to Exposure Management


Join us to learn how adopting exposure management lets you better understand and protect your entire attack surface, anticipate emerging threats, and effectively communicate cyber risk to key stakeholders.

Chances are you’re increasingly overwhelmed by attack surface sprawl, growing volumes of security data, evolving threats and effectively communicating cyber risk to key stakeholders.

Angesichts dieser Herausforderungen stellen immer mehr Unternehmen von einem herkömmlichen Schwachstellen-Management auf Exposure-Management um. 

For insights into what’s driving the move to exposure management, check out this on-demand webinar covering the following topics:

  • Understanding the shift: Discover why exposure management supersedes traditional vulnerability management, offering complete attack surface visibility, along with robust discovery and prioritization of cyber threats
  • Embracing resilience: Learn how exposure management helps your organization become more resilient by anticipating and mitigating potential threats
  • Better decision-making: Leverage sophisticated security analytics and reporting to deliver business-aligned cyber risk communications to key stakeholders

Wer sollte teilnehmen?
Cybersecurity, IT and business leaders interested in learning how exposure management helps organizations improve security posture, while reducing cyber complexity and spend.

Registrieren Sie sich und sehen Sie sich das On-Demand-Webinar gleich an. (In englischer Sprache)


Foto von Kevin Flynn, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

Kevin Flynn

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

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