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Predictive Prioritization Is Now Available in Tenable.io

Predictive Prioritization is a game-changer for risk-based vulnerability management. And now it’s a core capability of Tenable.io, helping you focus first on the 3% of vulnerabilities that matter most.

We are excited to announce that Predictive Prioritization is now available in Tenable.io to help you focus first on the security issues that matter most.

The traditional method of prioritizing vulnerabilities using CVSS has significant limitations. It scores the majority of CVEs as “High” or “Critical,” exacerbating the vulnerability overload problem. If everything is important, then nothing truly is. 

Tenable.io VPR

Experts agree: CVSS doesn’t answer what to patch first

We’re not the only ones recognizing the limitations of prioritizing vulnerabilities using CVSS alone. The Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute published Towards Improving CVSS in December 2018, concluding that CVSS doesn’t answer the fundamental question of what vulnerabilities organizations should patch first:

“CVSS is designed to identify the technical severity of a vulnerability. What people seem to want to know, instead, is the risk a vulnerability or flaw poses to them, or how quickly they should respond to a vulnerability.”

Predictive Prioritization can help with remediation efficiency

Predictive Prioritization combines more than 150 data sources, including both Tenable and third-party vulnerability data as well as threat intelligence, to identify the vulnerabilities with the highest likelihood of exploitability. This dramatically improves your remediation efficiency and effectiveness by allowing you to focus on the 3% of vulnerabilities that have been – or will likely be – exploited.

Predictive Prioritization Machine Learning

Vulnerability Priority Rating: Prioritizing remediation according to risk

Predictive Prioritization generates a Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) score ranging from 1 (lowest risk) to 10 (highest risk), which changes with the threat landscape. VPR is now a core data element in Tenable.io to help you prioritize remediation based on actual cyber risk.

Additional capabilities now available in Tenable.io

We’re also introducing additional capabilities to help you get the most value from Predictive Prioritization:

Understanding VPR Key Drivers

Get contextual insights into the factors influencing the VPR calculation, including CVSSv3 impact score, threat recency and exploit code maturity.

Sorting vulnerabilities by VPR score

Sort through vulnerabilities by VPR severity to quickly understand and investigate the full list of high-risk vulnerabilities. Also, compare vulnerabilities with high VPR but low CVSS scores to see the difference firsthand.

New dashboards based on VPR

Take advantage of the new VPR widget on the main Tenable.io dashboard (see above screenshot) to understand and analyze which critical vulnerabilities you need to address immediately.

The takeaway: You now have a tremendous amount of vulnerability information at your fingertips in Tenable.io.

For example, let’s look at the Amazon Linux vulnerability from a few months ago. CVSSv3 scores this Linux kernel weakness as 7.8. Amazon Linux Vulnerability

But, VPR scores it 9.2 due to its high exploit code maturity, product coverage and threat recency. If you have this vulnerability in your environment, run ‘yum update kernel’ and reboot the instance pronto!

Tenable.io continues to earn customer praise

Although we’re only four months into 2019, it’s been a busy year for Tenable.io. The product was recognized as the Best Vulnerability Management Solution at the 2019 SC Awards in March. In addition, Tenable was named a March 2019 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Vulnerability Assessment, driven in part by Tenable.io.

We’ve also earned many customer testimonials from organizations such as Verizon Media (formerly Oath), Netskope and Stone Pagamentos discussing why Tenable.io is essential to their security stack.

Zero in on the vulnerabilities that matter most

Incorporating Predictive Prioritization as a core function in Tenable.io is a game-changer for vulnerability management managed in the cloud. If you’re ready to find and fix your most pressing vulnerabilities, start with a Tenable.io trial today.

Learn more about Predictive Prioritization now

Want to learn more about Predictive Prioritization? Here are a few resources to check out:

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Tenable Vulnerability Management Testversionen, die überall außer in den VAE erstellt werden, beinhalten auch Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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Tenable Vulnerability Management Testversionen, die überall außer in den VAE erstellt werden, beinhalten auch Tenable Lumin und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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Profitieren Sie im Rahmen der Exposure-Management-Plattform Tenable One von unserem neuesten Angebot zum Scannen von Webanwendungen, das speziell für moderne Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Scannen Sie auf sichere Weise Ihr gesamtes Online-Portfolio auf Schwachstellen – mit hoher Genauigkeit und ohne großen manuellen Aufwand oder Unterbrechung kritischer Web-Apps. Melden Sie sich jetzt an.

Ihre Testversion von Tenable Web App Scanning umfasst außerdem Tenable Vulnerability Management und Tenable Lumin.

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Mit Tenable Lumin können Sie Ihr Exposure-Management visualisieren und genauer untersuchen, die Risikoreduzierung im Zeitverlauf verfolgen und Benchmark-Vergleiche mit ähnlichen Unternehmen anstellen.

Ihre Testversion von Tenable Lumin umfasst außerdem Tenable Vulnerability Management und Tenable Web App Scanning.

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